Monday, September 26, 2011

Revisiting a Memory

It started to rain today and for the first time it really hit me that Fall is now here. It's not to hard to figure that out here in the Pacific North-West but nonetheless the early yet unseeingly events of this beautiful day thus far, has happily driven me to revisit a memory. 
When I first moved to Tacoma and was forced to pinch some major penny's I had no internet access. Instead I would stroll over on a lazy Sunday afternoon to 30th Street Tully's and spend the better half of an afternoon catching up on a week's worth of old emails and (then) Myspace and Facebook posts. It became something I looked forward to and that identified who I was for a period of time in my life. The same group of people would greet me behind the counter every Sunday, I got to know a little about their personalities. There was a group of three siblings that met there every Sunday and I got to know who they were as well. In that small ritual grew familiarity in a strange and new city.
Today, there was no internet available in my building and I had the brief moment of genius to go back to Tully's and grab a drink. I did get my usual, Ginger Peach tea, but my maple bar wasn't there. New faces smiled from behind the counter, and no one knew me in the slightest. I sat down in the seat I use to fill on Sunday's, took out my laptop and sat to think about all the experiences a span of five short years has given me.
Make no mistake, I've been progressively living the best years of my life. I have no desire or longing to relive the past. Yet, unexpectedly today, reliving a simple routine just one more time flooded my mind with gratefulness to where I am, and to where I am going. 

I invite you all to relive a memory every now and then. It conjures up hope for the future. Happy Fall!

~La Femme, Cynthia

Monday, May 9, 2011

I love you Barcelona...

There are several areas of the world which I consider to be on my TOP priority list to visit. I struggle with the financial part of this life-list however, I will do all I can (including shopping less.....aAAHHH shock) to make sure that I see what this beautiful world has to offer.

Spain has been high on that list, so high, that I have considered living there. More specifically, I am curious about Barcelona. I love it's background in Catalan culture, language (which I speak and would be able to understand) and it's Gaudi's architecture. All of it entices me even more to visit at least. 

Have any of you gone by way of Spain? Please share!

Would love to get lost in these historic streets
Check out these colors! Wow.
These pictures only mildly represent the beauty that is Barcelona. I imagine it will only quadruple once I get myself to this breath-taking place. 

I hope this keeps you curious and ignites a fire to go out there and at least visit somewhere unfamiliar, mysterious, full of culture. 

~La Femme

Monday, February 28, 2011


Through all different areas of my life and education I have noticed that I have a recurring passion for Design and Fashion. I love to put together outfits, costumes, as well as design themes for a room, a party, an event. Design has been at the heart of any job that I have encountered or been asked to do. So I started I have an eye for design? Is this something I should pursue?

At the very least it's something I should investigate. After several hours of researching design at every level possible, I found this nice little book that offered a consolidated view of it all; more specifically interior design which highly fascinates me.

Step 1: Requested that I flip through magazines and cut out anything that is my style, and give them a name. Am I shabby chic? Am I minimalist? Romantic? Classic country with a modern twist? French? This step sounds like so much fun I can't wait to start! Then I get to organize them in pretty little folders based on theme. I can't wait to share with you all my experiences as I finally unearth a passion that may have been overlooked in my life.

Stay tuned. Go along with me. Let's share.

~La Femme

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feeling girly.....

Ode to Shoes

High above the ground you let me stand

New dress, pedicure, with confidence in hand

Walking down the street in your stylish demeanor

you pave the way and make my legs look leaner.

By: Cynthia Guzman

I love shoes, and this past weekend of love and friendship, I was able to meet some of my new foot accessories for the spring. I fell in love with them so much that I wrote a poetic tribute to them in anticipation for the confidence they make me feel, and the cool outfits that they will inspire!

What is it about shoes that make you feel like a woman? Any suggestions? I love them though, and with the deal I got, I can't wait to find more 'love' for my feet! Check them out.

~La Femme

Monday, February 7, 2011

Love & Friendship

Growing up I really looked forward to having a day to celebrate those that I love on a special day. I actually received my first declaration of love in 2nd grade through a heart-shaped Valentine that said I love you. I don't think either of us knew what that meant, but it's a cute memory nontheless.

My mother however taught the day to her children to be a day of Amor y Amistad. Which translates to Love and Friendship. So it was a really excited to tell my friends how much they meant to me. Now, I like to hand-out Valentine's to anyone who crosses my day that day. A little candy, a chocolate, a mini-card, anything to put a smile on someone's face.

I started making my Valentine's I will hand out this year. Check it out below! So much fun, easy to assemble, and beyond cute!

Tin hearts from Michael's and hand made cards.

The felt-hearts from Michael's as well.
 I simply used chocolate M&M's for the tin heart candy filling, and mini placement cards as my signature card with a simple 'Happy Valentine's Day' for the cover. Very simple, very sweet. What are you doing this Valentine's Day?

Oh and p.s. I feel that we really don't need one day to show love, let's do it everyday!

~La Femme

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hello friends!
I'm in the mood for love, simply because it's awesome! I've been exploring new sites, websites that is, and have discovered a site that has some amazing hair accessories. Now, let's talk about that for a bit. If you are like me, I limit myself to the occasional headband, perhaps a fancy clip, bobbypins, and the occasional black hair bands. I've never ventured into making it more fashionable.

Remember before though? When hats were the norm and adorning one's head was the thing to do? I seem to yearn for the days of detail-oriented elegance. I think I found a place that gives me a happy medium. Check it out HERE.

Old style

New Style

These are absolutley amazingly stylish. Don't you agree? These would make the basic white shirt and T look amazing. Or maybe a first date? Be adventuresome and bring back some glamour to your head! I think I just might.

~La Femme

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Looking ahead to spring......clothes that is.

Sitting in my inbox when I got home was link to one of my favorite stores! They definitley carry out the kind of style that best suits me. Some of it was so great, I just imagine myself in it. Do you guys do that? Or is that just me?

Look #1:
This particular style is jsut the splash of spring elegance I was looking for. It's polished enough to wear on a date somewhere and causal enough that you are not secure and comfortable for a walk of brhnch-like engagement. Come to think of it, I think I am more in love with the deep coral color and the way it's color accents make everything else pop. This would look great with any accent, blue, yellow, but this coral gives it the perfect romantic feel...hmmm...maybe some inspiration for 2/14? Love it!!!

Look #2:
I loved the mix n' match style that is going on now. I've been adventurous to try it out with different colors, not different patterns so much. But look at this pretty example...isn't it devine? With such a busy yet stylish ensemble you have to make sure to let the clothes do the talking, they did right to have the model with an updo.

Look #3:
This last look hooked me with the socks. Hello!!! Aren't those great? I pictured myself traveling Europe on foot looking stylish in an effortless way. Add a great backpack and a vintage camera and you're ready to roll. Spring is looking up! Time to tone those legs.

Was lovely to catch up with everyone. Have a wonderful Tuesday!!

Updates: Wedding planning for friend was put on hold. So definitely looking for new project :-)

~La Femme

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I look to Europe often for inspiration and mystery; which I think ultimately define why I am so interested in it--lack of first-hand knowledge. I am ok with that being the circumstance now, I hope to alleviate that predicament as soon as I have the proper funds to get me out there.

Occasionally I doodle. I haven't posted anything lately, but today this picture sparked my interest:

It is called "Paris Grey" and I fell in love immediatley. In my crazy imagination, Paris is covered with art and beautiful corners like these to be discovered.
Paris Gray

Now this is the kind of grafitti art that I can appreciate. So I decided to try to replicate this using another color for my pen.

I call this one "Tacoma Bleu" :
I wonder sometimes with all of my interests...what path I should lead in life? We'll see.
Have a great weekend everyone!!

~La Femme

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What's for Dinner...

I don't consider myself much of a homemaker/cook type. However the art of cooking and all things Kitchen-esq fascinate me. I love learning and mastering different skills and I've recently have been given the gift of 365: No Repeats from Rachael Ray. This is a great beginner book for me to acquaint myself with this new interest of mine. My ultimate goal? To be a hostess with the most-ess. I want to be able to invite people over and not stress about my dish, but me confident in it.

Recipe #1: Beef Fajita Burger w/ Seared Pepper and Onion...take a looksie!

The worcestershire sauce was ah-may-zing! Add some black beans and voilà, nice savory dinner. Yum!

Recipe #2 ( I did this one today) Island Bird: Pineapple Rum Chicken
I paired this recipe with a bed of Jasmine rice and lots of red pepper flakes. My nose was running for days, but the pineapple simmered with onion and garlic and RUM was so so good. Here's some proof!

So I may be getting hooked with this cooking stuff.....and, I haven't even gotten to desserts! Exciting times and I'll be sure to share each of my discoveries (and failures) to come. Wish me luck. 

On a completely other note, I found these great teapots on Mariage Frères. They are beautiful, amazing, and most importantly, FRENCH!!! 

Oh, la, la.....what a day.

~La Femme

Friday, January 7, 2011

After Winter, comes Spring!

Hey guys,
For some reason I forget that winter goes past the New Year's festivities. It's crazy, but once I recover from the Holiday's I am ready for the Spring. My current winter looks like a soggy sponge, but my dream winter resembles this...


...ah Paris, Je voudrais être là!

So now to clothes. I'm feeling a pull to prints. I have not used prints at all much in the past; usually just to accessorize, but check out this sweater and skirt that make you feel .."pretty, oh so Prettty!!!..." Let me know what you think!

What a wonderful way to welcome spring! Those Brit's know what they are doing, check out 

Next up...more information on how my baby shower (and by 'my' I meant the shower that I planned) went. Also, I'll update you on the Wedding I am planning (for someone else). Just find it necessary to be clear! Don't want to confuse my 4 readers....if that.

~La Femme